About Company
Sunrise H.R. Solution Pvt. Ltd. is one of the most reliable and authorized manpower recruiting agency in Nepal. Registered under the Nepalese law, the company has been granted permission by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Labor and Transport Management, Department of Foreign Employment under Government license no. 1216/074/075 to recruit and send manpower to different parts of the world. We are also a member of Nepal Foreign Employment Association.
Nepal being a non-industrialized country, most of the people enroll in farming. Hence, foreign employment has become a great source of employment for Nepalese. The main objective of establishing this Company is to somehow in their own way to ease the unemployment situation in Nepal. Our aim is to search and provide appropriate foreign employment to the deserving Nepali youths. These youths can utilize their experience, knowledge and skill gained from foreign employment for their own country after their return.
We have well qualified and experienced management team to handle all aspects of manpower mobilization, screening and documentation. The company as a whole specializes on skilled, semiskilled and unskilled human resources and trustworthy security guards.
Contact Person
Shubham Kumar Sah
Company Information
License No:
Registration No: