Job Description
Post:- Male Cleaners and Female Cleaner | Demand :- 30 Male and 1 Female | Salary upto :- 41868 | LT No:- 296631 |
Here are the details of the recruitment agency and job positions:
Recruiting Agency:
Agency Name: DESTINY H.R. GROUP PVT. LTD (WIDE RANGE HR PVT. LTD.) LT Number: 296631
Job Details:
Country: Oman Company: Al – Kanari International L.L.C Approved Date: 2023/12/18
Job Positions:
Sn | Skill | Male | Female | Salary (OMR) | Fooding | Accommodation | Duration (Years) | Service Charge | Total Fee |
1 | Female Cleaner | 0 | 6 | 120.00 | Yes | Yes | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2 | Male Cleaner | 30 | 0 | 100.00 | Yes | Yes | 2 | 0 | 0 |
- Fooding: Provided
- Accommodation: Provided
- Service Charge: None
- Total Fee: None